Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ooh, Kaaarl how I love you...

Here are the first paragraphs of a good interview with Kaaaahl that was in the Sunday Times. Read the rest of the article here!
Kaiser Karl – the fashion juggernaut that is Karl Lagerfeld – is late. Three hours late. His publicist asked me not to mention this, because apparently everyone says it, and it makes him seem grand. “Karl is not a snob,” she tells me, as we wait. “Karl has time for everyone, he is very generous, you will see.”

Later, after spending most of the afternoon in his company, I will see. But right now, the grandeur seems undeniable. We are inside his photographic studio in central Paris – his idea because, in between designing couture and ready-to-wear for Chanel, Fendi and his own Karl Lagerfeld brand, which have joint annual revenues of around £3 billion, he is a keen photographer. And even keener to be taken seriously in this medium.

The studio is testament to that. It’s the size of a tennis court. A sofa that seats 30 extends along two walls; there are two high umpire chairs, the type you normally see on Centre Court at Wimbledon, allowing Lagerfeld to direct his six full-time studio assistants. Out back, there is a room for state-of-the-art computers, printers and scanners; one crammed with cameras and lights; and another lined with desks and mirrors for hair and make-up. There are even two beds with pristine white cotton sheets and fluffy pillows, in case jet-lagged models need to take a nap. But the most impressive feature has to be the 60,000-odd books that cover the 18ft-high walls of the main studio, providing both a colourful backdrop and a weighty intellectual air.
Read the rest at the Sunday Times..

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