Thursday, November 7, 2013

Front Door Contest

So, once again we are having Will Johnson perform a concert in our living room. He will be here on the 20th and I always like to use that as an excuse to execute a long awaited project on the house. This time I'm thinking I should paint the front door. It's something we've talked about forever, but it just hasn't gotten done. But what color?? We have a bright green mailbox, so I've narrowed down colors that will coordinate with that. But I still can't decide. What do you think?

Here is our front door. In the spring obviously. It's too cold and dark out now to take a better one. But, you can see how dark the front door is. Gloomy. Here are our options. 

Classic cream. It's bright and matches the rest of the trim. 

Match the mailbox and go green. This is what we are leaning towards. 

Maybe it's because we are surrounded by a riot of fall leaves, but how about orange?

And, my favorite, a blue/teal. J's least favorite color in the world. Probably not going to happen, but I wanted to throw it in there anyway.

Let me know what you think!


Unknown said...

GREEN!!!! (surprise!)

Emily said...

I'm partial to the teal blue. Tell J to get over it :)

betsy and emily said...

Thank you Emily! In fact, I think I have him sold on a teal-y blue color. I better buy the paint before he changes his mind.