Friday, December 12, 2008


So, I was thinking about Benetton today. When we were growing up there was a totally random Benetton store next to a movie theater (and next to Nothing Else!). It was like a dark little cave and when you went it it was all Shazam with color. I never understood why it was in that particular area of town, but I dug it. A lot. I remember when E got some Kelly green leather fold up ballerina flats that came in a matching bag and I coveted. A lot.

Anyway, I had kind of forgotten about Benetton until I lived in London where, loe and behold there was a Giant store filled with a bazillion colors. I pondered, hesitated, went back and forth and finally came out with an egg blue turtleneck sweater, and a pea green sweater. (i don't know about the whole turtleneck thing, I think it was super cold that day) Today I dug out the green sweater and paired it with: red boots, blue tights, multicolored red patterned skirt, and a yellow/green neckerchief. Yowza, I look like a Benetton store! Hence the thinking about them.

So, I went to the Benetton website and they have Homeware! I didn't know this! It's a weird array of stuff, but i like where they are going with it. Keep on keeping on Benetton! ooh, pretty tiles mmm, soft blankies mmm, more soft blankies
And they have bedding, paint, towels, garden chairs--like I said it's a weird array, but they could make a super cool housewares department if they take it all the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't that weird? I forgot all about them...but they were so cool back in the day. Where'd they go? And I love that home stuff---so simple and vibrant. Great find!