Monday, January 9, 2012

LIving Room Inspiration

So, it turns out that if you want to really kick out that New Year's/house tidying up/resolution list you should invite a publication over to take pictures of your house. 
J and I spent the weekend spackling, painting, sewing, cleaning and generally trying to make the house look nicer than it normally does. Which, by the way, is exhausting. On the other hand, almost every stupid little project that we have been putting off is done. After tomorrow I can rest on my home upkeep laurels. 

Until, of course, I decide to tackle that whole sofa slipcover project. Maybe I can make that a February project.

Every once in a while this weekend I needed to stop and look at other people's houses for inspiration. For that I turned to Living Etc. and their galleries of homes. Here were a few of my favorites..

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